joanna lewis

adventures of us


On December 21st 2017, our lives changed forever.

I woke up at 6:30 with what I thought was gas cramps... realized it probably wasn't gas cramps when I didn't poop but I was on my hands and knees in pain every two minutes. The pain was too bad to cry over, instead I was just trying to focus on my breathing, which I literally could not do. We got to the hospital at 8:30 and just as I was walking in the door BOOM another contraction hit like a ton of bricks. I was trying to hold myself up on this chair I found at the doorway when an older man came over and asked if I needed a wheelchair. He then said to me "you're ready to have your baby aren't you? come let's go get you a baby" and I just burst into tears because hormones were flying high and I thought he was the cutest human being I had ever met at that point. He helped me over to my wheelchair (whilst I hid my face from the people staring at me) and Nathan whisked me off up to labor and delivery!

They took us into a room and there was the tiny baby bed, the tiny baby diaper and tiny baby hat. You guys, shiz was about to get realz. I dilated from a 5 to a 9 in a hour then it was time to push. I used to think 3 sets of 10 second pushes were going to be easy, HECK TO THE NO PEOPLE IT WAS NOT. Biggest workout of my life.

Next thing I knew, I was getting told to look down. 
I reached down and PULLED HER OUT!

7lbs 1oz
18.5 inches
6 days early
She was blue, gunky and looked asian.
But she was perfect, so sooo perfect.

We can't remember life without her, it seems like she was always meant to be here. She has changed everything. She has changed us.

Eilidh baby, 
we love you so much and will always love you.
welcome to the world.

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